Category Archives: News & Announcements

As a leading manufacturer of innovative hearing protection and sound management solutions Crescendo Hearing Protection is always excited with initiatives to create awareness to prevent hearing impairment. Especially amongst the younger generation, hearing loss and prevention deserves a lot more attention. We are happy to be associated with the I Love My Ears campaign. This campaign started in 2014 to create more awareness amongst […]

March 3 is World Hearing Day 2017. This years theme is ‘Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment’. This aims to draw attention to the economic impact of hearing loss. Read more at the website of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Austrian researchers have developed a test that can measure a persons sensitivity to obtaining hearing damage, as can be read on It seems some people are more likely to obtain noise induced hearing loss than others. The Institute of Environmental Health in Vienna developed the test and it works quite simple. Participants are briefly […]

Carnival 2017 is just around the corner. In a few weeks the costume parties erupt once again. There is however a downside to the festivities. Many people obtain hearing damage during Carnival. This is mainly due to loud music during parades and in pubs. The noise often exceeds the safe standard of 85dB. If you […]

Stichting Hoormij organiseert van 6 tot 10 februari de Week van het Oorsuizen 2017. Het thema is ‘Je bent niet alleen!’ Oorsuizen, oftewel tinnitus komt namelijk vooral bij jongeren steeds meer voor en “samen kunnen we elkaar steunen”. Tijdens de Week van het Oorsuizen worden er door het hele land informatiebijeenkomsten georganiseerd en worden er […]

Working in a school can damage your ears. According to the Belgium paper De Morgen, especially kindergarten teachers visit ear specialists on a regular basis. They often suffer from tinnitus. The biggest cause of this hearing damage would be the high-pitched noises small children in large groups can make. DEC recommends kindergarten teachers to always […]

Almost all sports stadiums are loud by design. This can of course be fun and exciting, but poses a threat to our hearing. According to an article by Healthy Hearing noise levels in sports stadiums have been measured at up to 140 dB, while any noise over 85 dB can be damaging. Crescendo recommends to always wear hearing […]

From an article in Techtalk: Walking with ‘things in your ears’ is very common these days. This in contrast to 10 years ago, when Engbert Wilmink decided to start developing ‘smart’ hearing protection. Now his company Dynamic Ear Company is the global market leader in the field of acoustic filters. And Dynamic Ear keeps developing […]

Spinnin’ Records has teamed up with recognized earplug supplier Earproof for the global campaign MORE MUSIC. Goal is to create awareness for the effect loud music can have on the ears, underlined with the creation of exclusively made Spinnin’ earplugs. It’s a well known problem in the music scene, the noise your ears are exposed […]

One third of all festivalgoers leave a music festival early because the music is too loud. This according to research conducted by the Dutch National Hearing Foundation. Seven out of ten people come home from a festival with a ringing in their ears. According to the Hearing Foundation, this number is huge. Music at festivals […]