Tag Archives: Hearing Protection

As a leading manufacturer of innovative hearing protection and sound management solutions Crescendo Hearing Protection is always excited with initiatives to create awareness to prevent hearing impairment. Especially amongst the younger generation, hearing loss and prevention deserves a lot more attention. We are happy to be associated with the I Love My Ears campaign. This campaign started in 2014 to create more awareness amongst […]

“The sound experience isn’t as good” and “I can’t hear other people talk that well” are the most commonly used excuses not to wear hearing protection. These excuses are usually quite justified, because the closing or narrowing of the ear canal generally results in extreme damping of high frequencies and little damping of low frequencies. […]

Van 8 tot 14 februari is het de Week van het Oorsuizen 2016. Tijdens deze periode besteedt Stichting Hoormij aandacht aan de verschillende oorzaken van oorsuizen. Lees hier meer.

A new interactive infographic demonstrates firework decibel level in comparison to 34 other noises and indicates that the noise from public fireworks displays can be dangerous. Action On Hearing Loss (AOHL) is urging the public to wear ear muffs and ear plugs to public fireworks displays. Read full article at EHStoday.com See infographic at airconco.com

Hoorstichting launches a new campaign to prevent hearing loss among youngsters

If you are planning to celebrate the 4th of July in the U.S. by shooting off fireworks or perhaps watching a fireworks display on the 14th of July in France, be aware of your hearing! Even though fireworks are thrilling, the sound pressure from fireworks can lead to hearing damage when protection is not used. […]

Beltone of the Tri-Cities reminds families to be safe when enjoying Fourth of July fireworks by packing ear protection for each family member and remaining a safe distance away. As your family gets ready to enjoy fireworks next week on July 4th, Beltone of the Tri-Cities would like to remind everyone that it only takes […]